Plantar Fasciitis causes really painful feet, especially in the bottom of the foot near the heel. I agree that it can be difficult to treat, and so I am going to share my "secrets".
First of all, lets establish that you actually have plantar fasciitis:
- You experience persistent pain under the foot that is worse in the morning, worse with every step.
- If you press near the heel under the foot, it HURTS
- You do better with heavy boots, or at least with stiff soled shoes
- You have had only marginal relief with NSAID's
OK, so this is how I treat this injury:
1. Ice massage every day.
2. Night Splint every night
3. Small steps in the morning
4. Low Dye tape protection
5. Ultrasound in physical therapy
6 Discontinue activity temporarily
7. After the injury calms down (about three weeks) then start stretching and strengthening
8. Custom orthotic therapy
9. Gradual return to loaded activities.

Lets say you try the above and it STILL does not seem better, then I have my ace in the hole....Crutches. Yep, you have to go non-weight bearing for 6 weeks, and also do all the items above as well. Honestly, I have helped hundreds of people recover from persistent Plantar Fascia inflammation using this strategy.